
Why We Homeschool

Why We Homeschool


People ask why we homeschool and seem impressed, yet they wouldn’t do it themselves. I too remember a time when I didn’t think about educating my children at home. But now, I couldn’t imagine it any other way.

Long ago, my heart and mind pondered the idea when my oldest child was finishing up his third-grade year of public school. I was frustrated and longed to be more involved with his education, but volunteering with his baby sister in tow, getting in touch with his teacher, and doing homework was difficult.

And speaking of homework! Two hours of Common Core made me want to pluck my eyeballs out with spoons. He finished the year off and that summer my husband and I agreed to take the plunge. Actually, I plunged and he agreed skeptically.

Thus began our homeschool journey in 2012 when I embarked with high expectations, determination, and had no idea what I was doing! Since then it has been a constant, ever-changing process.



In The Beginning

christian homeschool family


In the beginning, it transitioned from a feeling of “I need to do this for my child” into an enthusiasm for the “feast” of the Classical Method. I thrived on science and history projects; reading aloud classical literature, epiphanies about language as we tackled Latin and explorations of great composers and artists.

Then it metamorphosed into a spiritual realization of how much I wanted to pour into their hearts and minds the truths of God and build on our characters. I wanted to show them that wherever we were, whatever subject we were studying, cultivating our relationship with God was the key. Homeschooling allowed me to teach my children and myself virtues.


“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge…”  (2 Peter 1:5)



I see the importance of mastering algebra, writing a well-thought essay and learning a foreign language. But first and foremost is teaching and modeling virtue.

To instruct a child to put others first, to listen with a heart to understand, and practice good communication skills are invaluable. To show them how to value family above friends and activities and to cultivate their relationship with God is immeasurable.

An added benefit is that homeschooling not only allows us to add virtue to knowledge but also enables us to capture the precious moments of wonder. It might be a pollinating bee out in our garden, crystals growing on rocks or tadpoles changing into frogs.

I get to tuck special moments into my heart like cuddling up with a little one over a snack and a good book, taking a spontaneous recess break because it poured, laughing with my teenager over a language blunder we made or sharing excitement over an “aha” moment.




“Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a way of life”.   


My few remaining years with my children are precious. It drives me to make memories, have adventures, cultivate a love for learning, and “train them up in righteousness”.




We homeschool because my children’s character is a top priority for me. I also want to be the biggest influence in their life while they live at home. 

Teaching them life skills and whatever else God is leading me to teach them (not what the state decides), is a joy in my life. As an added bonus, I get to create special traditions and memories with them.

Whether homeschooling or not, will you pour yourself into your children for the short time you have them?

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