Aloha! I'm Ana...
A certified Enneagram and life coach dedicated to guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and healing. 

With a passion for helping individuals identify and recover from toxic relationships, master their mindset, and design an extraordinary life, I am committed to supporting you in cultivating emotional health.

My goal is to empower you to live life on your terms and attract and nurture the beautiful relationships you truly deserve. 

About ME

It's hard to know when to ask for help. I had seen a therapist during my early years of motherhood because of what I called a frustrating "Groundhog Day" that I just couldn't shake.

All I wanted was to get out of my 2-day pj's, finish a whole cup of hot coffee, not yell at my kids, and not be behind. All. Day. Long. Was that too much to ask for? 

Eventually, I wanted more than therapy...more than just dealing with my past hurts. While therapists focus on past traumas; coaching focus on the future, transformation, goals and progress. 

After my third child and during an excruciatingly painful, toxic marriage, I came across a life coach on FB who had the same beliefs and values I had. I thought, "why not"? I had never been coached before and amazingly enough, she was in my price range.

After the first session I knew I NEEDED THIS. IT WAS TIME, Eventually, I became UNSTUCK and discovered an alternative way of living that- oh holy heck, was a revelation to me! It was a whole world that most humans are unaware of. 

And trust me when I tell you that this mama was frickin stuck! Stuck in the same insane, chaotic cycle of anger, impatience, ignorance, and frustration. 

Ultimately, working with this coach led me to making some MAJOR life changes that have seriously affected my entire life and even my legacy. 

I walked away from an incredibly toxic marriage, which led me to discover my passion for coaching. I began to help others break toxic cycles and model for their children how to live productive, fulfilling, and purposeful lives, most importantly healing the relationship with themselves. 

And that's why I'm here. I will never give up on you or judge you. Together, we will create growth and transformation no matter what choices you've made, what your past looks like, or how bad things look right now. 

Living intentionally and pursuing personal development is not a one-person job.

It involves those who have paved the way, laid the foundation, will challenge your growth, and give you feedback while showing you a perspective not skewed by fear, doubt, or lies. 

I've spent the last 5 years searching for ways to change my life and break the toxic cycles that my kids and I had inadvertently found ourselves in. and design an extraordinary life, 

My healing (and my children's) was prevented for way too long due to "default living". The results were discouraging. I never even imagined that life could be so disappointing and difficult. 

I transformed my mindset, healed the relationship to myself, eliminated limiting beliefs, healed core wounds, and found a tribe that held me accountable and I want the same for you, friend. 

Thank you!
we'll be in touch soon!