
Finding your identity might surprise you as it did mine. I had no idea how life-altering this revelation would be until I found out…

Family, Featured

How to Teach Your Family Etiquette and Table Manners

dining etiquette and table manners

My 7 days of easy meal planning will ease your burdens and make one thing easier in your busy life. Don’t let mealtime complicate your life.

Family, Featured

7 Days of Easy Meal Planning

7 days of easy meal planning

My 5 tips for smart grocery shopping is a simple concept that can change someone’s life in fundamental ways. But we can, by default, create a habit of doing life harder and less efficient. Let’s not make something as simple as grocery shopping be harder than it has to be. 

Family, Featured

5 Tips for Smart Grocery Shopping

grocery shopping

I’m a huge advocate of family contributions, where everyone does their part in the home and doesn’t just look out for themselves. I’m also big on teaching life skills, training, and having them “train” me back so I know they’ve learned it. A big part of this stems from noticing how parents unintentionally create entitled […]

Family, Featured

Family Contributions

Intentional family powwows, or meetings, teach your family life skills and I know you want your kiddos to learn life skills, kindness, and togetherness.

Family, Featured

Family Powwows